Tony Crisp

Soap 0

Cleansing or melting of emotions, resulting in a feeling of release or well-being; feeling one needs to ‘clean up ones act’ in some way, or...

Snow 0

Depending on feeling reaction to the snow – emotional coldness or frigidity; pureness; beauty. Skiing or winter sports: Freedom, relaxation....

Snail 0

Vulnerability – its shell depicting our defence against being hurt; feelings of repulsion for some people. Probably repulsion regarding ‘squirmy’ feelings regarding their body or...

Smoking 0

Anxiety; something controlling our decisions – habits; sometimes connects with hidden sexual desires; comfort or a change in mood, such as might occur when we...

Smoke 0

Intuition of danger or anxiety about danger; smouldering passions or emotions. Idioms: Go up in smoke; put up a smoke screen; no smoke without fire....