Tony Crisp

Internal organs 0

Often to do with concerns over health. Could be a sense of illness in that part of body. But mostly our anxiety about illness. See...

Heart 0

Emotions; pity; sympathy; likes and dislikes. Idioms: Lost your heart; have a heart; have no heart; heart like stone; change one’s heart; done one’s heart...

Head 0

Thoughts; opinions; intellect; decisions; intentions; self image. Fairly understandable from the huge number of idioms about head and face, such as ‘lose one’s head /face’,...

Hand 0

Most frequently dreamt of part of body. General: Self expression; grasp – of life, of ideas, of opportunities; our hold on – people; our children;...

Baldness 0

Ageing; feeling obsolete; lack of thought. Brushing hair: Clarifying attitudes or thoughts. Changing hair style: Changing attitudes; a change of mind. Chest hair: Masculinity, virility....