One of the most frequent dream themes is that of anxiety in some form. This may not be because most dreams are about things we fear, but simply because we remember those more than bland dreams. In our dreams, all that exists to disturb us are our memories, disturbing images and our own emotions. Of course, the dream may be about a snake, or car accident – frightening things which do not appear to be inside us. Even so, it is our emotions about the image of the snake or situation which disturbs us, and these can be changed. If we can recognise what an enormous power our imagination has on our emotions and body, this can start the process of lessening anxiety. If we cannot meet our feelings of fear or emotional pain we are controlled or trapped by them. Sometimes we need the help of a professional therapist to meet what we fear, but many anxieties can be met by using the simple techniques explained in dream processing. See: wolf; dream processing; pre-menstrual tension.
October 3, 2013
Anxiety dreams
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