General: Feelings about one’s own death; very occasionally warning about health of person buried; wanting the buried person out of one’s life. One’s own funeral: It is a common dream to watch one’s own funeral. It depicts your own philosophy about your end. May also remind of what you want to do while alive; desire for sympathy from family; retreat from world; a feeling of deadness in life. Burying yourself: Leaving an old way of life or old self behind. Someone else’s funeral: A wish they were dead; a wish to be rid of them. It is often unconsciously used as an easy way out of a relationship – to fantasy them dead. It avoids the responsibility of making your wishes known. See: Second example under death. Parents funeral: Difficulties with or move toward independence; exploring the feeling of their loss; repressing or letting go of the painful past. See: buried; death. See also: death and rebirth under archetypes.
October 3, 2013
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