Dream DictionaryDream Interpreationdream-dictionary
October 3, 2013


Bride relates to feelings about or desire for marriage or love, receptivity and fertility. The bride also depicts your soul – the open and receptive qualities that are fertile and ready to receive new life and creativity.

The bride is a wonderful image, holding in it enormous feelings, potential and life. The following dream illustrates some of this power.

A bride was given a bunch of flowers. The flowers were wrapped, in paper. I removed it, and the flowers looked rather lifeless. But now life seemed to come into them. The buds opened before our eyes, blooming into lovely white flowers. The flowers had many petals, and lots of fine moving stamens. They were constantly moving within, and everybody cried out, “Oh, orchids!” I experienced intense joy.

A bride depicts this opening to the fertility and flood of life energy that. This need not be toward a man, it can be in relationship to your own potential and creativity. The bride and bridegroom have been used for millennia to indicate the human soul or psyche opening and uniting with the core self or God.

Useful questions:

If I am the bride, is this about my hopes for or involvement in marriage – or is it showing what stage of unity I have with my male characteristics?
If I am a male dreamer what is my relationship with the bride, and what does that say about the way I relate to women or my own female characteristics?
What feelings accompany the dream and what do they suggest about myself?

Bride – if you are getting married: Integration of inner aspect of yourself never previously known or expressed, especially if bride/groom is oriental or black. If you are in process of marriage in waking life, your dream can also indicate worries, real or imagined that you face now. So take time to consider and deal with these.

Bride and marriage: Of course the bride links with marriage, but not necessarily a marriage of the body. It frequently links with your own growth to wholeness, and your dream shows the ease or difficulty you face in this growth. The marriage, if it takes place shows the integration of your male and female characteristics, and thereby an achievement of greater maturity.

Some of the classic difficulties faced or depicted by the dream bride are to do with – for the male – the challenge of surrendering independence and youthful manhood in service of life and the female principle. And for the woman, the finding within herself of the ancient female power that can accept and meet the male as a woman – i.e. receptive, fertile and nurturing. This does not relate to the outer life, but to the inner power of the male and female recognising and enhancing each other. See: Marriage.

Bride in female dream: Your marriage and what it means to you; feelings, fears or hopes about marriage; feelings about your daughter. The bride also depicts all those perhaps unlived dreams, beauty and love within you; all your womanhood perhaps never linked to and recognised by a man.

Bride in male dream: Frequently depicts your relationship with your own feelings and non rational nature, as well as being an indication of how you relate to real marriage and the integration of your female characteristics.

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