Dream DictionaryDream Interpreationdream-dictionary
October 3, 2013


Corpse or dead body in dreams also deal with feelings about death.

In some dreams the dead body is that of the dreamer, and is looked back on. In such dreams there is often the feeling of immense release and certainty about life continuing beyond death – although this may be preceded by great fear.

In their book Death Dreams, Kenneth Paul Kramer and John Larkin ask the question who or what dies in the dreams where either the dreamer dies, and watches his/her own death, or the dreamer watches the death of another body? Nobody dies. The dreamer is simply experiencing ideas, concepts or feelings about death.

Useful questions
What am I feeling about this – and whatever I am feeling do I recognise these are simply my feelings, not a great cosmic truth?
Did I experience death, and if so what did I learn?
Is this showing a part of me that I have killed – and if it is another person, did I kill my feelings or connection with them?

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