Dream DictionaryDream Interpreationdream-dictionaryMeaning of Dreams
October 3, 2013


Ball or sphere represent wholeness; an ‘all round’ view or a rounded character. It often shows contact with your core self.

Ball: This can be an interaction between two people, sexual and otherwise, as suggested by the saying the ‘ball’ is in your court. Throwing the ball may show someone trying to get your attention and response.

Ball games or being thrown a ball: Challenges, prowess, competition in the game of life. Such exchanges include having and letting go. This can therefore indicate sex play. It can also relate to masturbation or a man’s ‘balls’.

Idioms: Have a ball; ball at ones feet; ones eye on the ball; start the ball rolling; new ball game; play ball with someone; he has/hasn’t the balls.

Useful questions:
Am I in any way feeling aware of a fuller and more whole me?
What interaction do I have with the ball?
Am I involved with someone else – if so in what way?


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