Dream messages are both literal and symbolic. While understanding the literal meaning of dreams, such as dreaming of food while hungry may not be so hard, symbolic images are much different.
If you dream, you are on a highway and it snows on one side, while sunny on the other, this may be quite symbolic.
The first step in understanding a dream is to identify symbolic elements within them.
Use our dream analysis tool to find symbols in your dreams. Only a handful of detected symbols may be relevant to your dream, so select only those symbols that are important, and we will show you what those symbols mean.
If you wish to self-interpret your dreams, our dream analysis tool is your indispensable ally. Make good use of it.
To analyze your first dream, login to your account and then follow these steps:
1. Journal a dream with sufficient information that describes your dream.
2. Click Analyze tab in your “My Dream” page.
3. Click “Detect Symbols” button
4. From among the detected ream symbols, select those that are relevant to your dream
5. Once you have selected at least one symbol, click “Display Details”.
Did You Know?
Dream journaling is a social activity. If you had a dream about a friend or family member you can share it with them. Follow your friends on Dream Social and find out when you are in their dreams.
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